Trust & security built in
We'll keep an eye on things to help you avoid fraud, scams, and mistaken transactions.
Real-time alerts for any suspicious behavior
Real human support at the click of a button
A zero-confusion, simple interface anyone can use
When enrolled in EverSafe monitoring
Give access to someone you trust
We make it easy for you to help your kids, parents, or yourself manage how you spend money.
Guide and monitor your parents, kids, or other loved ones financial transactions
Give a trusted confidant access to help you monitor your finances
Real-time alerts for suspicious will notify everyone who needs to know
When enrolled in EverSafe monitoring
People in touch with people
Bank holidays aren't real. With one click, you can do your banking when it meets your schedule, not ours.
We don't outsource customer support to robots or anyone else
We're not always there on "bank holidays" - whatever those are - but you can be
Manage your account anywhere with any device